Prof. Akira Toriumi, IEEE Fellow, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Biography: Akira Toriumi received
the B.S. degree in physics, the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in applied
physics from The University of Tokyo in Japan in 1978, 1980 and
1983, respectively. Then, he joined R&D Center of Toshiba
Corporation in Japan, in which he had been engaged in device physics
and technology in CMOS miniaturization. He was with Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, USA (1988–1990) as a visiting scientist on
leave from Toshiba. In May 2000, he moved to Department of Materials
Engineering of The University of Tokyo. He had also served as a
high-k gate stack group leader in MIRAI Project (a national project
for advanced CMOS in Japan) from 2001 to 2007. He retired in March
2019, and he is now an emeritus professor in The University of
Through his professional carrier, his research
interests have been on device physics and materials science with
regard to semiconductor devices. Particularly, he has investigated
gate dielectrics, functional oxides, electron transport and
processing science in Si and Ge CMOS, and low-dimensional materials
and devices. He has authored and co-authored more than 600
scientific journal papers and conference proceedings, and several
book chapters. He received several awards such as IEEE International
Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), Best Paper Award (1997),
Solid-State Device and Materials (SSDM), Best Paper Award (2000 &
2003), IEEE EDS Paul Rappaport Award (2004), SSDM Award (2014), IEEE
Cledo Brunetti Award (2016) and JSAP (The Japan Society of Applied
Physics) Outstanding Achievement Award (2017). He served as several
international conference chairs and committees such as Executive
Committee in VLSI Symposium (2008-2017), Program Chair (2005) and
Organizing Chair (2018) in International SSDM, General Chair in Si-Nanoelectronics
Workshop (IEEE/JSAP) (1999), Executive Committee (2004-2006) and
Vice President (2012-2013) in JSAP, Vice Chair (2010-2011) and
Chapter Chair (2012-2013) in IEEE EDS (Electron Device Society)
Prof. Xiaohong Zhu, Sichuan University, China |
Prof. Tom Wu, the University of New South Wales, Australia |
Biography: Dr. Xiaohong Zhu is currently a full professor at the Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Sichuan University, China. He received his BSc degree in Materials Physics from Sichuan University in 2000 and PhD degree in Condensed Matter Physics from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2006. After that, he did 3-year postdoctoral research at CNRS and CEA in France, and then joined Sichuan University as a professor in 2009. From April 2012 to April 2013, he was also a research scholar at the Department of Physics & Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, USA. He was selected as a New Century Excellent Talent in University of China in 2009 and an Outstanding Young Scientific and Technological Leader of Sichuan Province, China in 2011, and won the 2018 China Industry-University-Research Collaboration Promotion Award. Prof. Zhu’s research interests include mainly graphene-based electrode materials and novel solid-state electrolytes for energy storage devices (supercapacitors and lithium-ion batteries), piezoelectric ceramics, as well as multifunctional oxide thin films and related electronic devices. Until now, he has authored/co-authored more than 110 SCI-indexed papers and 2 scientific books. |
Biography: Professor Tom Wu received his B.S. degree from Zhejiang University in 1995 and Ph.D. degree from the University of Maryland, College Park in 2002. Before joining University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney as a full professor, he worked as postdoc in Argonne National Laboratory in Chicago, assistant professor in Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore, and associate professor in King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). Dr. Wu has authored 260 peer-reviewed papers in the areas of oxide thin films, nanomaterials, and hybrid perovskites, with a focus on their electronic, magnetic and optical functionalities. His works have been cited more than 15,000 times with a H index of 71 (Google Scholar). He is among the 2019 Clarivate Analytics List of Highly Cited Researchers. Dr. Wu also serves as an Associate Editor for ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
Prof. Andrew J. Boyd, McGill Universit, Canada |
Prof. Mohd Rafie Johan, University of Malaya, Malaysia |
Biography: Dr. Boyd obtained a BScEng from the University of New Brunswick (1993), an MASc from the University of Toronto (1995), and a PhD from the University of British Columbia (2001), all in Civil Engineering. He joined the Department of Civil Engineering at McGill University in 2006, following a six-year stint in the University of Florida Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering. He is a registered professional engineer in Canada, was named a Fellow of the American Concrete Institute in 2008, and former chair of the nondestructive testing committees of both ACI and ASTM. Prof. Boyd’s research interests lie in the areas of construction materials and sustainability, particularly as they relate to transportation infrastructure. Specific fields of research include durability, nondestructive testing & evaluation, standards & specifications, repair & rehabilitation, recycling, and hazardous waste reduction & mitigation.
Biography: Professor Dr. Mohd Rafie Bin Johan is a true example of how theoretical and fundamental research leads to remarkable progresses in the applied, engineering and industrial use of nano-designed advanced materials. Born in Melaka, in 1968, Professor Rafie graduated with a BSc in Physics from University of Malaya, Malaysia, in 1993. He continued his studies at Institute for Advanced Studies, Universiti of Malaya, where he obtained his MPhil in Quantum Optics in 1997, moving then to Department of Physics, University of Malaya where he obtained his PhD in Theoretical Physics in 2005. From 1999 to 1991 he was also Head of Biomedical Engineering Program in Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya.