ICNMM 2019 | Bangkok, Thailand | May 17-19, 2019
2019 the 2nd International Conference on Nanomaterials, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (ICNMM 2019) was held in Bangkok, Thailand during May 17-19, 2019, sponsored by Thammasat University, Thailand. As workshop of ICCEMS 2019, all accepted papers have been published into ICCEMS proceedings by IOP, which could be indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. ICCEMS 2019 conference proceedings have been included into IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
Best Presentations
Session I:
Sandun M. Dassanayake
M092——Voids distribution of pavement filters under permeating
fines: a DEM approach coupled with statistical inference
Session II:
Dorota Marcinczak
M028——The impact of the anchorage on the shear capacity of reinforced concrete
Session III:
Kaisha Tamara
M076——Analysis of Geometry Effect on Laterally-loaded Large Diameter Bored Pile
Deflection in Soft Soil
Session IV:
Maria Virginia Cabalag & DANTE SILVA
M079——Variation Prognostic Model on Port Infrastructures: Employment of
Principal Component Analysis for Factor Extraction Instigating Disparity on
Planning and Implementation Phase
Session V:
Filip Grzymski
M035——Performance of GFRP bar anchored PBO-FRCM composite on one-way RC slabs
under flexure
Session VI:
Roderick Macariola
M095——Coping with the Information Age: Development of a Data Flow Diagram-Based
Knowledge Management System for Mitigating Delays for Construction